
REMINDER: During the school year, this class blog will be updated daily with assignments, literary terms covered in the day's lesson, and links which will be of assistance to students and parents alike.

NOTE: Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday, February 11.

E-mail Mister Scott at jean-paul.scott@greece.k12.ny.us

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In-Class Today: September 22

The following activities took place in class today:

1) Proofreading Practice: "The Petrified Forest" Day 2.

2) Review of Figurative Language Terms followed by a sharing of examples from the vignette "Hairs."

3) Review of reader response questions for The House on Mango Street reading assignment 1.

4) Note taking regarding the Themes and Characters covered thus far in the book.

5) Model After Mango Activity 2 assigned. Using “Hairs” as a model, write a vignette about your own life that discusses an important physical trait and how it reveals something about the person who possesses it and your relationship to him/her. You may choose to discuss a trait that all of you share, or one that makes a particular family member—or you—stand out from the others because it is different. You must incorporate at least four stylistic devices in your vignette.
a) The House on Mango Street reading assignment 2, pages 14-27, comprehension questions.

b) Complete drafting Model After Mango 2 if necessary.
Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.

Read Up and Write On!