
REMINDER: During the school year, this class blog will be updated daily with assignments, literary terms covered in the day's lesson, and links which will be of assistance to students and parents alike.

NOTE: Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday, February 11.

E-mail Mister Scott at jean-paul.scott@greece.k12.ny.us

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Reading Reminder!

All Summer Reading Assignments for Mr. Scott's Eleventh Grade classes will be due on Monday, September 14.

Summer Reading Assignments were announced by classroom English teachers prior to the end of the 2008-09 school year. All students enrolled at Greece Athena High School received copies of the lists and assignments during the summer. Also, copies were also made available for pick-up in the school's counseling office.

Step 1: Select a book from the appropriate list of approved titles; in our classes' case, the "Grade 11" column:

Step 2: While reading your selected book, track the author's use of two of the three grade level techniques (dialogue, diction,imagery). This can be achieved throughout he use of the worksheet provided below:

Classes will be reviewing this assignment on the first day of school. Those scholars who hand in the Summer Reading Assignment in on the very first day of school (also our first day of class), will earn +5 points to the activities grade. Similarly, those submitting the work on September 10, one class prior to the due date, will earn +3 points. Any Summer Reading Assignments submitted after the due date of September 14 (ie. "late") will only be accepted at a severely reduced grade.

Read Up and Write On!